Tag Archives: hair weave

GA LA CAR 1st Annual National Hair Loss Solution Meetup Event


Jacksonville, Florida – This National Hair Loss Awareness Month has been celebrated in the United States of America since the year of 2001. Gail Carter-Cade of GA LA CAR Beauty Salon is launching the first hair loss “solutions” meetup to inform women of their non-surgical methods, products and nutritional options.
It is too common that women are now experiencing some form of hair loss or alopecia. Hair loss affects over 50 million men and 30 million women in the US alone. There is 1 in 4 women experiencing hair thinning or hair loss.
Hair loss becomes noticeable when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth or when regrowth is thinner than previous. Hair loss or a form of alopecia are on the rise due to many reasons. Premature alopecia is due to over-styling tools and continued usage of harsh chemicals. Traction alopecia is caused from styles where the hair overly tightly pulled for examples hair braiding, draw-string ponytails, tight buns, hair weaving or tight fitting night caps. Consequently any time during the anagen phase hair growth stage when the hair is attached to the hair follicle, if that hair is pulled out it could cause damage to the hair follicle resulting in a hair follicle that can no longer properly grow hair. Androgenetic Alopecia occurs in men and women whose hair follicles are sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Over time, DHT-sensitive hair (usually found on the top and front of the head) becomes weaker, finer, and eventually stops growing.
Medical conditions that can cause hair loss include: Hodgkin’s Disease, Hyperthyroidism, cancer and alopecia areata (an autoimmune disorder) such as Lupus . Medications, poor diet, aging factors can impact healthy growing hair.
Hair loss is now a treatable condition and it doesn’t have to be permanent in all cases. Diets that include hair enhancement vitamins and minerals, external hair nutritional product regiments and discontinuing the causes of your hair loss are just a few ways to improve the conation of hair.
Don’t wait take actions now to reduce further risk of hair loss. The 1st Annual Hair Loss Solution Awareness Meetup Event will be held on August 30, 2018 5pm at GA LA CAR Beauty Salon.  Hair loss or thinning can be personal and confidential. This will be a personal setting where you can ask questions, take notes as you discover which solutions are right for you and your hair condition? The latest non surgical solutions such as hair pieces, products and consultations will be shared. FREE Installs information will be available at galacar.mayvenn.com (LIMITED TIME OFFER) 904-487-9254

Mrs. Carter-Cade formed Jacksonville Women Beauty and Health Connection Exchange Meetup to uplift, share and embrace those who’s beauty and health has been impacted from age or illnesses.  Together we can connect and exchange solutions to improve them.